What to Write About?

What to write about? It’s hard for me to continue to post sentiments here that appear oblivious to what’s happening in the world around me. One thing I decided on my latest break is that while I don’t care to perpetuate trauma drama as a regular thing here (I’d much rather shoot my mouth off in my local community, within my family and so on, where I might actually have more impact), I do want to remember the suffering that continues around the world, sanctioned historically by my own government as well as those of other countries. How will we atone? Our latest atrocity being the rampant “legal” slaughter of human rights here on our own turf, as our flawed democracy continues to decline. Still, the sun rises, the sweet peas are blooming with mad abandon, and my dog comes in from the garden, with much of its detritus, seed pods, twigs, leaves, and the like clinging to her fur, and she makes me laugh. It’s these little things that provide momentary solace. That, and my knowing that there ARE others out there paying attention too, trying to keep their hope afloat, sometimes sharing their moments of joy, other times speaking to despair. The wabi-sabi, ying-yang of our human existence here on Earth. Sometimes we just need to know we are not alone, and let others like us know they are not alone. When we no longer know that, that is the time for true despair. Yet we’ll still cling to our tattered hopes, won’t we?


Author: Dame

an evolving story, wanting to live a slower life right here and now...reconnections, new connections, and now connections are my passion...phone calls, tea dates and letters preferred over emails...