Newsletter 2 from 2024_0914

I’m settling down after today’s photo shoot which I think turned out pretty good. When I really put in the effort, they can take a lot out of me. A cup of chai and half a whole-grain sourdough English muffin with PB & honey, I’m feeling sufficiently restored to focus on another note to you guys — two weeks in a row! Not a bad consistency for me. Let’s see if I can manage another one next week. And by the way, before I forget, after rewatching “Swept Away” last week I started thinking to myself, “if any of these guys watch it, hope they don’t start getting ideas about me,” because I was only about 19 the first time I saw it, and may have rewatched it since, but I totally forgot just how abusive thef chauvinism got. There was a lot of stereotyping, generally not okay, but it helps in telling a story about class struggles, sex, and power, and how different it looks when the playing field shifts. At any rate, depending on when we get back from a restaurant on the harbor (tomorrow’s my birthday), I might just have to push for a rewatch of “The Seduction of Mimi,” another Wertmuller-Giannini film.

My latest book of essays is “Appalachian Reckoning” and it’s been excellent so far.

This week’s Intimate Distance newsletter:

Tomorrow, besides being my birthday, is the start of National Hispanic Heritage month, and SPLC has some great literary classics on their list.

A short essay from the author of another book, “The Language of Climate Politics,”

And one I haven’t read yet, but am looking forward to; I love reading anything positive and encouraging, and the headline grabbed me. (And not by the pussy either.)

Now, gotta get ready for a dinner out on the harbor, and eek, I still haven’t managed to get more invoices out today, but they are coming, they’re coming. Promise. I do, I do, I do…

Author: Dame

an evolving story, wanting to live a slower life right here and now...reconnections, new connections, and now connections are my calls, tea dates and letters preferred over emails...