Civic Duty

While I can’t attend every demonstration, I’m looking forward to getting to a few. It’s a way for me to practice Solidarity and my civic duty (which in all honesty has grown rusty over the past few years). I want to resist however I can so as to protect our civil liberties. How about you?
Want to save our civil liberties? If you can’t stand up, speak up, or are otherwise unable to get out there, perhaps write; draw signs/banners, make buttons to contribute to the cause. It genuinely feels good to do something.
These accounts keep me updated on local, regional, and national collective actions:
50501 — 50 protests, 50 states, 1 movement
Homepage | Indivisible
Home | American Postal Workers Union because I am all about Union pride. Unions build solidarity and give the working class a political voice. Remember, there’s more of us, than there are of them. Red or blue? Perhaps it’s time to choose purple. We’re in it together.

Author: Dame

an evolving story, wanting to live a slower life right here and now...reconnections, new connections, and now connections are my calls, tea dates and letters preferred over emails...

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