Art, Nature and the Goddess

As I work on my plans for BEAR (Bay End Art Retreats), I get scared at the enormity of it as I’ve never done something like this before, only dreamed of it. As I ride with my vision, it is evolving in small steps for me. For example, I am going to try a smaller retreat first (hopefully March 2010), with about 18-20 participants. I now have the theme and what the general art focus will be. We will all stay in Overbrook House, which includes the use of the dance hall. Instead of Wednesday through Sunday, it will be Thursday afternoon through Sunday morning.

Art, nature and the goddess have been my three muses when times have been tough for me. Art frees my mind, nature restores my spirit and the goddess reminds me of how strong I really am.

Pixie’s in a different time zone or I would have asked her for permission for a couple of her images. So, I had to take my own of Agnes, who soars in the entryway of our old house. Like me, she’s still working on her wings.

Author: Dame

an evolving story, wanting to live a slower life right here and now...reconnections, new connections, and now connections are my calls, tea dates and letters preferred over emails...

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